Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Impact of the Written Word

The impact of the written word can be very sevre. Some people become obsessed with something that they like to read or watch. The Catcher in the Rye, Twilight, Harry Potter and Star Wars are all examples of the written word that peole become very obsessed with. Some people's obsession are more positive, while others become very negative for them.

The Catcher in The Rye became a way of like for Mark David Chapman. He thought that he was Holden Claufeild. His obsession with the book was a not positive for him. He had mental problems, and once he read the book he thought that was him. He thought that John Lennon knew where the ducks went in the winter. He felt that he needed to know this answer. He met John Lennon, and then later that night he shot him five times. Mark David Chapmin become so obsessed with the Catcher in the Rye that he thought that the book made him kill John Lennon.

People have gone completely crazy for the Twilight Saga. The books, and the movies are good, but some people take the whole thing to a crazy level. In 2009, have shown that Twilight influenced baby names. People were actually naming there babies after book charachters they liked. There are alot of stories about women not wanting to date, or getting divorced because men are not enought like Edward, the main characher.

People are obsessed with Twilight are bad, but people obsessed with Harry Potter are worse. From waiting in line for days for the books and movies, to thinking you can do magic themselves. There have actually been reports of people becoming depressed because the series has ended. There have been parts of theme parks dedicated to the Harry Potter series. There are some who do not think that Harry Potter is so great. There are some that think Harry Potter is a link to Satanism. They think that it is bringing people to the devil.

Star Wars has been an obsession of many for a long time. There is one man that has spent over three thousand dollars on Star Wars items. The camera that George Lucas the creater shot with was auctioned off for $625,000. Star Wars obsessies will go to any length to get the memorabilia that they want. There have been many religions that have been formed since the Star Wars movies have came out.  The Los Angeles City Council actually made May 25 Star Wars Day. People of all ages are obsessed with Star Wars.

The written word can impact someone positive or negative. Sometimes the obsession people have can actually take over their mind, and they will think that they are the character. Obsessions can sometimes be healthy, while other times they are not and they may actually hurt the person.

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